Texture Twist: Bittersweet Autumn

As the calendar turns from November to December so does the seasons turn. Autumn is the season I hold onto to the most, being that it's my favorite. Every day is filled with bittersweet memories, pastimes, and traditions. Are you feeling the same? What's your favorite season?


Photoshop Tutorial

Champagne Overlay #1 / Multiply / 100%

Champagne Overlay #4 / Multiply / 100%

The Texture Twist Photo Challenge

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  1. As I live in a State that has all four seasons, there is not escape from what comes next after Fall, so yes, it is bittersweet to say good-bye to Fall, but even moreso to having had to say good-bye to Summer. Seems like the seasons flew by so far this 2016. I enjoy the first snowfalls, but then not the bitter cold of winter. My aging bones don't fare as well as they use to. haha

    Love your photos above. I like the size that you display also. Have a great week.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. So true, I wish I could escape the bitter cold of winter too.

  2. Fall has a lot to provide, but Summer is my favorite!
    Warm summer nights! Refreshing Summer mornings, wandering into the garden. Love it, love it, love it!

  3. I love foraging for greens and things to decorate with. Things with berries are all the more interesting! It's time to find some holly!

    1. I love to see all the pretty budding branches and berries you find. You have such talent for arranging them in still life!

  4. I like all seasons, but sunny Autumn is the best. Great shots.

  5. I love the transition from autumn to winter! Gorgeous shots!

  6. I love this! Reminds me of the little red berries that appear all over some of our trees here. (I don't know what they are called) Thanks for joining us at Photo Friday this week!


I love reading your little notes, it makes me smile from ear to ear!