The Journey: Generations

This vintage 8mm movie camera was recently passed down from my grandfather to me. It is from the late 1950s and was used film our farm and family. It's the 1st 8mm in my collection and I am so excited to have memory to go with it! When I think of the next generation, I think of hope and opportunity. This quote comes to mind...

"May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility" - Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

Photoshop Tutorial:

No tutorial this week, it's all natural texture.

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The Texture Twist Photo Challenge

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- natural or enhanced

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  1. I remember the days of 8mm home movies. I think there are still some floating around in the family.

  2. What a fun vintage camera, and it has a history in your own family. Awesome!


I love reading your little notes, it makes me smile from ear to ear!