The Journey: Migratory Sunshine

As the days spread into weeks and weeks into months; the days of sunshine migrate across the calendar. 
Here we are half way into the year. Reflecting on the year thus far,  I think of happy days as sunshine in our lives. Although, some days we have to make our sunshine it's still certainly been a sunny year.


"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows." 
- Helen Keller

Photo Before and After: 

Enhanced with Hazel #3 Overlay and Seventeen Cool Texture from Texture Masters Collection Vol 1

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The Texture Twist Photo Challenge

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- natural or enhanced

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The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Interesting edits, what a difference they make. Lovely colors both before and after.

  2. The power of editing photos! Wow - well done!

    1. I love to see mint and yellow together, it was fun creating it!

  3. I love that quote, and your photos are a perfect compliment to those powerful words!

  4. The yellow in the shots really pip, especially after your edits. Nicely done.

  5. I love the soft muted tones in these images


  6. Interesting texture in the edits! Before was more like cold and after is warm. I like both :)

  7. Anonymous7:53 PM CDT

    I love the sunny photos and your texture makes all the difference.

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM CDT

    Love the yellow of these shots. They do lean towards a sunny disposition.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  9. Such nice thoughts during a rough week for many!


I love reading your little notes, it makes me smile from ear to ear!