The Country: County Roads

What is one of my favorite ways to spend the weekend? Getting lost or at least trying to down the rural county roads. I found this weathered and worn barn doing just that! It obiviously is out of work and the farmer planted a crop of the beans around it. I tend to stay out of farmer's fields unless it's not planted or it's already been harvested. So, I didn't get a look inside this barn although, it's probably not safe to inside. So, I got down as close as possible to the barn, right on the edge of the field to photograph it.


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The Texture Twist Photo Challenge

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  1. There's an old tumble down barn that I discovered on a country road not far from my home. I'm itching to go back there with my camera!

  2. Anonymous10:59 PM CDT

    Lovely shots!

  3. What a treasure of a scene. We love exploring the back roads too.

  4. Lovely scenes.I always like worn out structures..!

    1. Thank you, they do make a great subject to photograph and explore

  5. Lovely shot......makes one wonder how it looks inside!

  6. Great pretty decay here. Love it.

  7. I love traveling the local country roads because of the photo opportunities that await just around the next corner. Nicely captured. Have a blessed day.

  8. It is definitely past its prime but I bet it could tell a story or two


  9. Country roads have the best surprises! I always wonder what the stories would be told if the boards could talk.

  10. I love those dilapidated buildings you find driving around the country. Somehow this is such a peaceful scene!

  11. What a great way to spend the day-and that barn...(insert emoji heart!)

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM CDT

    I am just now seeing your natural or enhanced... gah all these weeks I thought I wish I was still texturing my photos so I could join along. Well, I'll be back this week for sure.

    I love country roads too, I need to get lost on some soon.

    Happy Mother's Day Kristy. :-D

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens

  13. Hello! As a native of Kentucky prior to moving to Europe, I can attest to the beauty of country roads. I used to love spending the day randomly traveling country roads and taking in the sights :) thank you for this post.

  14. There is some life on that old barn!


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