The Seasons: Honeysuckle

The bright orange berries of honeysuckle blooming just a stones throw away from our front porch remind me of miniature pumpkins often seen in Autumn potpourri. Though the days are shortening the crisp Autumn air has yet to arrive. Are you awaiting on Autumn's arrival too? 

Photoshop Tutorial:

Sometimes Cool Texture /  Soft Light Blending Mode / 50%
Creme Brulee Overlay #1 / Overlay Blending Mode / 40%

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  1. I'm always drawn to foliage with "berries" or rosehips on it as the season changes.

  2. I love the orange against the green. :)

    1. Thank you, it does make a nice contrast!

  3. I love the orange against the green. :)

  4. Lovely photo combination!

  5. Beautiful photos and thank you for sharing them with Today's Flowers. The berries are a lovely vibrant red against the green background.

  6. Lovely captures - the red and green combination is eye catching.

    Autumn has definitely shared snippets of itself with us, but has yet to greet us fully. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival!

  7. Anonymous12:43 PM CDT

    We are in full force autumn here. I miss MO for the color though, as we mainly have yellow, and if you want any other colors you have to hunt them down. I am purposefully going to plant orange and red in my yard, so maybe honeysuckle? Lovely photos Kristy.


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