In the Studio: Rhapsody in Blue

Captured in this still life are three my favorite things to photograph - tokens of nature, color, and vintage cameras. I am lucky to have four windows in my studio, two facing south and two facing west. The sunlight really bathes my art table that I painted mint green last spring. This session was inspired by Artist Andrea McClain, a master of still life photography.

Enhanced with Sugar Spice Texture from the Artist Texture Collection Vol 10

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The Texture Twist Photo Challenge

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- natural or enhanced

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The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. A lovely still life you have created here! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Beautiful! I love still life photography so much!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I feel same about yours too!

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM CDT

    I love these shots. They would make great prints.

  4. This still photo of yours is so artistically sophisticated.

    1. Awe, you are so kind. Thank you!

  5. How beautiful! I love still life photography too. <3

  6. beautiful old things to create photos by. :)

  7. Ohhh-these are so pretty-great tones-very vintage-y

  8. Gorgeous. I love the elements you selected and their placement. Such soothing photos with the teal background.

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM CDT

    OMG this styling is just gorgeous! #photofriday

  10. The still life you have captured is lovely. I would love a studio. It is high on my wish list. I'm going to explore your blog. Have a wonderful week ahead and thank you for stopping by my blog last week.


I love reading your little notes, it makes me smile from ear to ear!